Amy Morin

How to Build Mental Strength in 2021

What do mentally strong people do—and not do? This question became a burning one for Amy Morin after she suffered a series of personal losses early in her career as a psychotherapist. It also led her to write several books, including the international bestseller 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, and 13 Things Mentally […]

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Cal Newport

How to Connect in a Reconnected World—with Cal Newport

Overnight, technology essentially became our only means of communication. Face to face interactions – meetings, conferences, networking –  were immediately replaced with Zoom coffees, happy hours and team meetings. It took adjustment, but we adapted. Now, as we re-emerge and navigate a new normal,  many are struggling to reconnect outside of the confines of their […]

Read to How to Connect in a Reconnected World—with Cal Newport Now