Finding Your Bravery Now: A Conversation with Reshma Saujani

Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code and author of Brave, Not Perfect, recently spoke with the Conferences for Women, about perfectionism and bravery in a world turned upside down. The conversation has been edited for brevity. CFW: You’ve talked about striving for perfection as an impediment to growth. In today’s extraordinary circumstances, […]

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Teleclass Recap: Building Your Business with Melinda Emerson

Everyone has good ideas, but making the leap from corporate America to small business ownership can be overwhelming. If you want to succeed as your own boss, there are some questions that need answers! Small business expert Melinda Emerson presented an exclusive and information-packed Conference for Women 30-minute teleclass on Tuesday, January 22. Scroll down […]

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