Susan David

3 Ways to Develop the Emotional Agility to Help You Thrive

Despite the difficulties of our times, many people squash what Susan David, award-winning Harvard Medical School psychologist, refers to as “so-called negative emotions,” such as grief, sadness, and frustration. But people who are open to the reality of human experience are better able to foster innovation, creativity, and the wholehearted capacity to be themselves, says […]

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Jessmyn Stanley

How Yoga Can Help You Find Your Balance (or Accept Your Imbalance)

Jessamyn Stanley—who describes herself as a fat, queer, Black person—is refreshingly honest and self-accepting. She also has a lovely way of bringing self-acceptance out in others. We had a conversation with her this month about the transformative possibilities of yoga—even if you start with a free three-minute video. Stanley is the author of Yoke: My […]

Read to How Yoga Can Help You Find Your Balance (or Accept Your Imbalance) Now