This article was originally published on by Mallika Chopra, CEO of Chopra Global. Finding ways to ground yourself is a powerful way to maintain equanimity when the world around you seems to just be a bit too much. In life, the reality is that you will face challenges – perhaps health concerns, relationship turmoil, […]
Creating a Culture of Compassion (Insights)
Before the term was coined, Betty Hart says, she canceled her father. An ideological divide led her to not speak with him for 10 years. But then she picked up the phone one day and said, “I bet if you could go back in time and change some things, you would. I know I would. […]
3 Ways to Grow in Dignity & Overcome Microaggressions
There was a time when Austin Channing Brown wanted white people to be afraid of her in the workplace. If they were, she thought, then they couldn’t walk all over her. They couldn’t hurt her with microaggressions. But then she realized there was a better strategy that would better help maintain her dignity and focus […]
Regenerate Yourself While Helping to Fight Racism
This conversation with Rachel Ricketts, author of Do Better: Spiritual Activism for Fighting and Healing from White Supremacy, has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity. Q: You advocate using spiritual activism—through inner work on ourselves—to fight and heal from racism. Are you saying white people need to heal from this as well? This is […]
Brené Brown’s Advice On How To Become Your Best Self During Uncertainty
Brené Brown will keynote the 2022 CA Virtual Conference for Women on March 2nd. Learn More and Reserve Your Ticket! Q: In a recent New Yorker profile of you, we learn that you dreamt early on about starting a global conversation about vulnerability—which, of course, you have done. What impact do you think the past […]
Simon Sinek Has Tips for Businesses that Want to Keep Their Employees
Q: Since the pandemic, many people have been wrestling with their personal why, their purpose. What do you see going on? And how should businesses respond? I think only half the story is being written about the Great Resignation. The pessimistic view is that people don’t need to work now, but they’ll be back. The […]
Put Fear in its Place: A Conversation with Luvvie Ajay Jones
We should all have a friend like Luvvie Ajay Jones: a woman who is joyously bold and doesn’t let us get away with thinking: Oh, that’s just the way she’s made. We could never be that bold. In an exclusive conversation with the Conferences for Women this month, the two-time New York Times best-selling author […]
Cecilia Muñoz on Raising Children While Working in the White House
For eight years, Cecilia Muñoz served as the highest-ranking Latina in the White House under President Obama while raising two daughters. Now a senior advisor with New America, she spoke with us recently about what policies changes we need to support families—and how she managed parenting and work. Muñoz is the author of More Than […]
3 Ways to Develop the Emotional Agility to Help You Thrive
Despite the difficulties of our times, many people squash what Susan David, award-winning Harvard Medical School psychologist, refers to as “so-called negative emotions,” such as grief, sadness, and frustration. But people who are open to the reality of human experience are better able to foster innovation, creativity, and the wholehearted capacity to be themselves, says […]
Readers Write: About Work-Family “Balance”
Thanks to our readers for sharing their experience of work-family issues this month. Here are some positive ideas from two of our readers. Next month, we will explore how to fight fear. If you have a story to share, please send it to [email protected]. Employees Finally Have the Power to Choose by Mboone Umbima I […]