“We have surrendered to our technology,” said Aliza Sherman in the Conference for Women’s free teleclass, “The Zen of Being Digital: Your Guide to a Healthy Tech Diet.” While smart phones and tablets are infiltrating every corner of our lives, it’s important to “unplug” from our devices. To do so, understand how you interact with […]
Mindfully Balancing Work & Life: Podcast
“Practicing daily gratitude shifts your lens on the world.” In our recent online radio show, Christine Carter, Ph.D.,the author of RAISING HAPPINESS: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents and Samantha Ettus discussed how making small, mindful changes can lead to big shifts in happiness. One of the biggest keys to happiness, says […]
Get Your Brand Straight!
“Have the courage to say what’s on your heart, because I guarantee it’s on the heart of other people.” -Lena West In this 30-minute “Get Your Brand Straight” podcast, social media expert Lena West explains how to maximize social media to make sure your message is part of your messaging. Click the link below to […]
Negotiating Happiness and Financial Security: Office Hours Recap
Believe it or not, everything truly is negotiable! Each new job offer or performance review is an opportunity to negotiate base salary, bonuses, benefits, stock options and various other incentives that add to job satisfaction and ultimately, provide more financial security. Are you prepared to negotiate? In our December “Office Hours” online radio show, host […]
Who Is Driving Your Career? May “Office Hours” Recap
What is it that you love about your current job, what are you really good at, and what sparks your passion? In the first episode of our new online radio show “Office Hours,” host Samantha Ettus and featured guest Darlene Templeton discussed how women can become their own best advocates and leverage their skills and […]
Teleclass Recap: Your Next Career—Now with Julie Shifman
What’s holding you back from tackling your biggest goals? In our free teleclass on April 24, Julie Shifman of Act Three discussed how to use small-stepping to reach your goals, avoiding the hopelessness and discouragement that often come when facing a big challenge. Scroll down to listen to the 30-minute call.
Teleclass Recap: Danielle LaPorte on Goal Setting
In our March 27, 2013 teleclass, Danielle LaPorte, author of The Fire Starter Sessions, business strategist and inspirational speaker, discussed the idealogy of goal-setting and how to identify your core desired feelings: what she calls “Desire Mapping.” She explains how intentions affect goal-setting and walks through a brief desire mapping process. “How do you want […]
Teleclass Recap: Building Your Business with Melinda Emerson
Everyone has good ideas, but making the leap from corporate America to small business ownership can be overwhelming. If you want to succeed as your own boss, there are some questions that need answers! Small business expert Melinda Emerson presented an exclusive and information-packed Conference for Women 30-minute teleclass on Tuesday, January 22. Scroll down […]
Happier at Home: Gretchen Rubin Teleclass Recap
“When your everyday life reflects your interests, your nature and your values, you’re much more likely to be happy,” said 2011 Pennsylvania Conference for Women keynote Gretchen Rubin, bestselling author of “The Happiness Project” and “Happier at Home.” In our free teleclass Oct. 15, Rubin shared insider advice, gleaned from a nine-month quest for contentment […]
Success Secrets of Women Who Know How to Hustle: Teleclass Recap
When it comes to building or growing your business, “hope is not a strategy,” says Tory Johnson. As the CEO of Spark and Hustle and a weekly contributor to ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Tory has talked to thousands of business owners across the country. In our free teleclass Sept. 24, Tory shared the tips she’s […]